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Learn the Truth: Sex Work, Trafficking, and Propaganda

 Instructors: Angie Gunn LCSW, CST, CSTS and Raquel Savage

Learning Objectives

Underneath each learning objective you will find the AASECT learning area criteria it satisfies. This program meets the requirements of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) and is approved for 3 CE credits. These CE credits may be applied toward AASECT certification and renewal of certification.

By the end of this session, participants will be able to compare and discern between trafficking & exploitation and sex work.

 J. Sexual exploitation, including sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and sexual assault

Learn how to engage in ethical conversations with individuals in the sex industry.

 A. Ethics and ethical behavior

By the end of this session, participants will be able to explain the other factors which impact the trafficking conversation, including the role of migration, racism, and patriarchy.

C. Socio-cultural factors (e.g. ethnicity, culture, religion, spirituality, socio-economic status, family values) in relation to sexual values and behaviors

Imagine being able to discern truth from propaganda in sex industry discourse

Ever tried to understand the sex industry through media? It's often misleading and whorephobic. Pre-Register for our course to unpack the truth behind trafficking.

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